This months' musical selection is dedicated to Diane and Chuck. ;-)
Yeah, I know it's tacky, but it makes me laugh!

PAC Rats Meeting
Friday, February 5, 1999

Look out, it's a long one! This might a good time to head to the "library".

Click here for a brief list of important dates for Rats to keep in mind in the coming weeks.
Click here for an late-breaking update to the minutes. Feb 9, 1999 at 7:11 PM CST
Meeting Called to order at 7:09pm

In Attendance: Lyn Andre, Eric Atkinson, Dawn Begin, Scott Begin, Paul Braun, Jenny Drwiega, Matt Drwiega, Tina Farmer, Marcus Hendricks, Jon Jenkins, Chuck Kaffka, Diane Kaffka, Jennifer Larkin, Kim Lewis, Shannon Lisewski, Sarah McDuffie, Pat McHugh, Joe McIlhaney, Gina Raffin, Min Rubbens, Ellie Shunko, Joey Tassin, Mark Tassin, Heather Young, Barry Zurawicz, Beth Zurawicz, Jen Zurawicz (I hope I didn't forget anyone, but someone was supposed to take attendance and didn't!)

Junior Rats: Jeanne Drwiega, even though she had a little cold :-(

Those that wanted to be here, but couldn't: Lydia and Nick Bellamy-Palma, Duckie Drechny, Amy Ellis, Megan Zurawicz

Non Agenda Items:

Eve Rice-Whittenburg's father passed away. The wake will be held Feb. 5 and Feb. 6. Condolences to Eve and her Mom.

Our newest sucker PAC Rat Sarah McDuffie was embarassed introduced to the group. The big red S on Sarah's forehead is still faint, but you can see it coming in nicely. ;-) We tried warning her, but she stayed for the whole meeting anyway. Sarah is in Vern's drama class and is stagemangling "The Ancestor". Welcome to our nightmare, Sarah!!

Old Business:

1. The reading of the minutes from last meeting were dispensed because everyone received them in the mail.

2. Purchase order for cash register has been processed. Don't know if it ever made it's way to the vendor.

3. The majority of the cleaning projects have been completed (costume shop and 3rd Rike). Still to be done:
- All old drawings need to be gone through, dusted off and archived properly.
- Maybe the collection of long dresses can be gone through again and thinned out?
- The scene shop hasn't even been touched. Ouch.

Thank Yous, Kudos, Yahoos, and Yippees to everyone who helped!

4a. The majority of the tshirt orders have been taken, but many last minute changes have delayed the order getting to Besse's. Prime time to double check those who didn't get "proof-read". Those who haven't paid yet can do so now or next week. See Ellie for how much you really owe.

4b. Anyone who wanted kids sized shirts will get an iron on transfer rather than a real tshirt because it costs too much for an additional silkscreen. Why pay good money when le bebe is going to grow out of the shirt in 10 minutes? Kim brought some iron-on transfer paper for Ellie to test out. She says the good quality transfer paper works great!

5. Romantic Comedy has been cast.Rehearsals start next week. Did those who auditioned and not get cast get a phone call? We need to something about notifying people immediately after casting. Those folks who were not cast could have been called and invited to this meeting to learn about the Rats and get up to speed on what's coming next. If we leave them hanging, they won't come back... ever.

6. A Purchase Order for scripts and royalty rights for The Haunting has been processed. Nothing back yet.

7. The proposed project for Man and Superman has been cancelled due to scheduling conflicts. Darn the luck. We'll try again. Because it involves faculty, Ellie needs to plan earlier.

8. Scott "Norm Abrahm" Begin made a cover for the sound board that is lockable. No longer will the unwanted guests mess with the cables on the board, which has caused all sorts of problems for the sound system. Neener, neener, neener!!

New Business:

1. We need help for the play "The Ancestor". Performances are on Thursday, Feb 25 at 10am and 7pm. Tech rehearsals are on Monday, Feb 22, Tuesday, Feb 23 and Wed, Feb 24 from 6-10pm. I need someone to run sound and someone to run lights? Marcus and Dawn can tell you more because they are in the show, so come and see it if you can't be here for crew.

2a. Ellie had a meeting with college architects and physical plant VP about the lighting system on Thursday. The good news is that the project is still rolling and will be done. With the exception of new lighting fixtures, all safety issues are being addressed. The bad news is the minimum package (which is not what Ellie really wants) will cost $35,000 MORE than we already have budgeted for the project. Money from other areas will have to be looked into. Surprisingly enough, no one seemed terrifically worried about that. Additionally, back in December, Dr. Bruce Aldrich (a/k/a "The Prez") told Ellie to give him "a list" of all the things we couldn't pay for this time around and he'd do some number crunching to see what can be done.

2b. The summer show that Ellie wants to direct may or may not happen. At this point, because of all the mumbo jumbo with getting the lighting system out to bid, Ellie will not know what days we can or can't get into the theatre until mid to late May. This is distressing news. So much for the idea of a musical review. It simply won't work for her this summer because of the whole lighting situation.

3. IF there is a summer show, there will be two choices for Ellie. Either a kiddie show (another Michele Vacca script of course) OR The Complete Works of Shakespeare... Abridged. Both types of shows lend themselves to piece meal sets with mostly props and if we work it out, could even be produced out in the gazebo or in front of the atrium as Hansel and Gretel was.

4. The annual grammar school kid show will be moved to January, which will mean a bizarre rehearsal schedule over Christmas break as well as a VERY shortened set construction and lighting focus time slot.

5a. The November time slot. We have GOT to get moving on that ASAP. Ellie would like to be able to do a "mass" audition if possible for both the November show and the October show. Both shows will be practically on top of each other and rehearsals will run concurrently. This means: less time in the space, a VERY short construction and light focus time frame and a need to get MORE BODIES. We need to spend some time focusing on recruiting more people!

5b. Because Eric was late to the meeting, it was decided he would direct The November Project. Actually, because Megan will be working with Barry and Jen on all the sound effects stuff for The Haunting, she had expressed a wish to have more time to concentrate on her show.

5c. Eric has three more scripts to read and claims the show will be selected by the March meeting. Megan has her script narrowed down to two choices (both are old-fashioned meller-drammers).

6. In September we hope to produce something called "Histoire" in conjunction with the music department. More shared spacing problems, but if those involved (Vern, Melody Geraci, Andy Hoefle and some paid musicians and dancers) can get their acts together, it's doable. More on that later.

7. We have six 23 inch high bar stools. Thanks to Diane Richter!

8. We will offer Technically Speaking again, but the time the classes meet will be vague until we get an answer about lighting schedule.

9a. Vern wants to offer a non-credit class called "Reading Shakespeare" which will concern itself with HOW to read the plays. This could tie in nicely with the summer show (if it flies and if that's what Ellie decides to do) and it will also tie in nicely with our existing for credit Shakespeare class. More on that when Vern gets a syllabus together. All this stuff is due in registration on Monday (Feb. 8th)!!

9b. Ellie spoke with the Associate Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dr. Diane Ostojic (via voice mail messages), about the idea and her reaction was positive. Ellie also mentioned it to Sally Beckman, who teaches the credit Shakespeare class and she also thought it was a jim dandy idea.

10. In March we need to hammer out the rehearsal scheduling for The Haunting, The November Project and the rest of the stuff. As was noted at last meeting, Chuck has sketched out a timeline, but we can't set it in stone just yet.

11. In March we need to go over the Romantic Comedy stuff (poster hanging, set construction, yadda yadda).

12. Next meeting is Friday, March 5th at 7pm either in PAC lobby or in band room.

13. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm as Min the Popcorn Princess fired up the popcorn machine and brewed a batch of corn. The movie version of "The Haunting" was shown. Wow. What a great film. There were two points in the movie where a couple of the Rats had the wits scared out of them (not that that is any mean feat). This is going to be a fun project!!

Minutes are a rehash of the agenda, which was prepared by Ellie.
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Minutes were posted Feb 6, 1999 at 7:03 PM CST